Our Christian community strives to be gospel-centered and submitted to the authority of the Word of God. The gospel is the good news that a lost world will be redeemed and we, as lost sinners, can be saved. We understand who God is and how He brought about salvation through Jesus Christ as we study His Word.
A gospel-centered fellowship will encourage you in your obedience to the Word of God; to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. Meeting together in the name of Christ enables us to learn with all humility, gentleness and patience, and to bear with one another in love. By doing this we learn how to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Our Sunday morning gathering centers on the remembrance of the Lord. You will experience corporate acapella singing, which allows for those that are prompted by the Holy Spirit to choose hymns as they are led. You may see some in silent prayer, others standing to read scripture, still others may give out hymns to be sung, or offering thanks. This is prayerfully undertaken, led by the Holy Spirit, in submission to one another, decently and in order, and in humble obedience to the Word of God.
If you are new we would love for you to join us! Come early so we can learn about your faith and how we could serve you.